Thursday, October 8, 2009

My triggers...

Yesterday's Success:
Breakfast: 1 bowl Healthy Harvest breakfast cereal in skim milk.
Lunch: Grilled chicken Caesar Salad with fork dipped in dressing, no croutons. 1 Gala Apple.
Snack: 1 Fiber One Oat and Peanut Butter Bar. 1 purple jaw breaker (not going to lie, I ate a piece of candy).
Dinner: Two servings of veggie infused diabetic recipe lasagna (but shared with Will and Jack, so maybe a serving and a half).
Snack: Single serving snack pouch of almonds.
Exercise: 20 minute bike ride and playing at the park for 20 minutes with the boys.
Weight: No idea, and not putting it here as I am afraid numbers that high will just confuse people. I am picturing the public thinking "how many people stood on the scale with her?" I will do my weigh in today and will weigh in again next Wednesday since the diet officially started yesterday.

My Triggers...

Last night was rough. I am pretty sure food is my addiction, and at night, my biggest crack rock is a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream that I would eat THE ENTIRE THING. I am pretty sure that nears 1,200 calories with 1,999 from fat.

I don't have any vices. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs... so at night when the boys go to sleep, I eat. I can admit it. I never really binge on breakfast or lunch, and I am not a snacker at all. I can totally ignore all the chips and crap that I buy for the kids. But, the second they go to bed, it's game on. Sometimes round one may happen when they are napping, but usually that is only if I haven't eaten lunch and breakfast. If that happens, I pretty much open up like a Hoover and inhale the entire contents of the fridge, freezer and pantry. But, that is rare. My bigger issue occurs pretty much EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!

The boys go to bed at night and Mark says "do you want anything?" Now, I am not blaming Mark at all. The reality is, I start contemplating ice cream at about 8:30 and it never goes away. I think about peace and quiet, I think about calm, and I think about yummy Karamel Sutra or Coffee Heath Bar Crunch completing that moment of zen. But, it is that release that is causing me to run around naked from the waist down because nothing fits. So, that is why I have to let Ben and Jerry know that it is over. And, last night... I persevered! Last night, Ben and Jerry both called, and I let the machine get it and munched my almonds. It may be a war filled with many battles, but I won the first one... and that is enough to get me going today.


  1. I just want you to know that I support you 100% in this and will do whatever you need for me to do to help you.

  2. How nice of Mark! It is key to have support from your man! If you are doing this alone it is sooo hard. I am proud of you.
    Lynn, there are those Skinny Cow ice cream things at the grocery store that arent high in calories. That would be an option?!

  3. Mark is going to succeed in making me bulemic with posts like that.

    Heidi - Those are definitely an option. am not a huge fan of the people that own that company, so I wouldn't buy skinny cows specifically, but I did buy Weight Watchers ice cream cones and had one last night. Same premise and super good. Thanks for the suggestion!
