Saturday, October 10, 2009

Out on the town...

Yesterday's Success:

Breakfast: Bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch with skim milk.
Lunch: Tuna (in water) and a tablespoon of light Miracle Whip on a sandwich thin. Bunch of grapes.
Snack: Pouch of almonds. Handful of Will's popcorn.
Dinner: Stuffed shells with low fat ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese and broccoli (more than a serving, but less than I used to eat) and two small chunks of garlic bread.
Snack: Weight Watchers ice cream cone.
Exercise: None... still using rain as an excuse. Stupid sun's out today though. No more excuses.

Out on the town...

Tonight is a conundrum. We are going to hear Jeff's new band play at a bar, and I think I will probably end up eating dinner there. And, let's just be honest... you don't go to a hole in the wall bar and order grilled fish or a salad. I feel the likelihood of getting some sort of bacteria could rival going and licking their bathroom floor.... and I am not sure which would taste better.

Part of me feels like I am already setting up an excuse to fail... but the other part is saying that diets do crash and burn when people try for total deprivation. I have been going great guns since Wednesday, so maybe I allow myself one meal today to just be normal. I don't mean crazy... I am not talking apps, entree, dessert, but maybe if I want a burger and fries from a bar, I have a burger and fries and get back on the horse tomorrow. Or, is that undoing all the good work I have done? Should I eat before I go? I don't know. I feel like I have a thin and svelte angel on one shoulder and a fat little devil on the other and I don't know right from wrong. Where is my Hominy Cricket just giving me the answer? I need one of those saying like "WWOD"... what would Oprah do? Oh yeah, she would have the band moved to Oceannaire where she could have whatever freaking food she wanted. Bad example.


  1. When I did my good diet time, I allowed myself one or two bad meals a week. Not horrible, I still watched portion... but it doesn't end everything to have a burger once in awhile.

  2. Enjoy your evening. Remember this is a process not an event and PLAN what you may eat ahead of time and then just enjoy it!

    One day and a time, one meal at a time.

  3. Even Weight Watchers gives you enough points to have a burger and fries once a week if you want it...have it.

  4. I am glad you all said that, because I went for it. I am not saying I went nutty, but when in Rome (or a hole in the wall bar), I ate like a Roman. I had a tenderloin and fries (and dude... it was good). But, I am back on track now.
