Monday, October 12, 2009


I fell down.... straight down off my wagon. But, I am back.

Saturday I did ok. I had a good breakfast, but then I had a Subway foot long for lunch. What? I was hungry. The good news is that it was healthy. I eat whole grain bread, turkey with no cheese, light mayo and a sprinkle of vinegar... no oil. Plus veggies, of course. I should have gotten a six inch, but in the past, I would have had the footer with more mayo than bread and Cheetos and a cookie. I had a healthy(ish) sandwich and no sides. Then I had healthy snacks. Dinner was not so great. I had a pork tenderloin and fries, but I had permission from three of you, so I think that is ok. I resolved Saturday night to get back on the wagon.

But, then I fell off again. Breakfast was good. Lunch was not so good. Stupid portion control!!! My uncle came in town to visit so my mom laid out a yummy sandwich spread. Quality deli meats and cheese, yummy breads... the things that don't exist in my world thanks to my budget. I could eat more sandwiches than Joey Tribbiani could even dream of. So I had two. Oops. I had two servings of potato salad, too. Double oops. Dinner was ok. I still had too many pieces of pizza, but two of them were the Lite pizza from Papa Murphy's, so again... not good to eat three pieces, but could have been worse.

Today, I am back on the wagon. Again. I wonder if I could get seat belts installed on this thing?

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